Erin TSE

Scientific Officer

Having completed her Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences from Aston University, United Kingdom, Erin relocated to Hong Kong to further her personal growth. As a Postdoctoral Fellow, she has worked in a microbiology research laboratory and a virology research group, where she used human stem cell-derived enteroids to study the host interactome of human norovirus structural proteins. Through her experiences, she specialized in the study of cell biology. Erin joined the Cheung lab in 2020 as a Postdoctoral Fellow and then, in 2021, joined the Hong Kong Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases continuing to further stem cell research. Erin is also an active member of the HKUST-Nan Fung Joint Sciences Laboratory, largely responsible for managing joint laboratory activities, mentoring trainees, and managing a large mouse colony. Importantly, Erin assists Prof. Tom Cheung in grant and report writing alongside Miss Yoyo Fung and Mr. Nicholas Wong.