Quiescence is a cellular state in which a cell remains out of the cell cycle but retains the capacity to divide. The unique ability of adult stem cells to maintain quiescence is crucial for life-long tissue homeostasis and regenerative capacity. Quiescence has long been viewed as an inactive state but recent studies have shown that it is in fact an actively regulated process and that adult stem cells are highly reactive to extrinsic stimuli. This has fuelled hopes of boosting the reactivation potential of adult stem cells to improve tissue function during ageing. In this Review, we provide a perspective of the quiescent state and discuss how quiescent adult stem cells transition into the cell cycle. We also discuss current challenges in the field, highlighting recent technical advances that could help overcome some of these challenges.
Keywords: Cell cycle; Developmental biology; Stem cells.
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Urbán N, Cheung TH.
Stem cell quiescence: the challenging path to activation.
Development. 2021;148(3):dev165084.